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Dr VanderMolen Visits Good Day Illinois

July 15, 2014

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry,Dental Check-Up,Dr. VanderMolen,News Media — Tags: , — smilespringfield @ 8:16 pm

Dr VanderMolen recently visited Fox’s Good Day Illinois’ Community Zone to discuss ways to not only improve your dental health but to improve your smile and even ways to over come your fear of going to the dentist.

To learn more about how Advanced Dental Care of Springfield can help you have a beautiful, healthy smile call us at (217) 717-4551 today!

Custom Dentures: What You Should Know

July 14, 2014

What are Custom Dentures?

Custom dentures are specifically made according to your needs. When a denture is made for you, you are able to get a denture with a perfect fit, increased functionality, and a natural smile. Color, shape, or size of the teeth can be adjusted in order to achieve the most natural look.

Benefits of custom dentures-

  1. Comfort and functional efficiency – Custom dentures are much more comfortable and efficient than standard dentures, in part due to the special materials used in fabrication. The material is pliable and can be adjusted within the mouth until the patient is satisfied with the performance of the denture. The dentures have a soft lining material for more comfort in biting and chewing. Custom dentures on a lower arch have great retentive capacity due to the strong grip on the arch.

The shape of the teeth is specifically customized for the patient’s bite, increasing functional efficiency.

  1. Custom Dentures Feel and Look Natural- Custom dentures can turn your dream of wearing a dazzling smile, into reality. The custom dentures are unique in their personalization feature. Dr. VanderMolen can continue to alter the look until the patient is contented.

The material used in the fabrication of custom dentures makes the teeth look naturally white. Used on the porcelain prosthetic teeth, it mimics the enamel of natural teeth by reflecting light just as natural teeth do.
If you have lost your natural teeth, and are in search for a comfortable yet beautiful substitute, custom dentures could be the perfect choice for you. Call (217) 717-4551 for an appointment with Advanced Dental Care of Springfield. Dr. Matt VanderMolen will help you get your desired results!

Cosmetic Fillings and their Benefits

June 23, 2014

Cosmetic fillings are a more natural-looking alternative to the silver amalgam filling. They not only perform the basic function of filling a tooth, but also restore a person's teeth back to their natural look. Cosmetic fillings will have you teeth looking and feeling great.

Composite White

Composite white filling is made of a synthetic combination resin, which has a natural color to match your teeth. They are considered to be direct fillings, meaning they are done in one dental visit.  This type of treatment is suitable for people whose teeth have very little decay and a small to medium cavity.

Cosmetics fillings are beneficial in that they are much more natural looking and can give you the confidence of a great smile. Using these types in place of silver amalgam also removes any possibility of mercury exposure that many believe to be harmful.

Dr. VanderMolen is your source for beautiful cosmetic fillings. For more information, contact Advanced Dental Care of Springfield at (217) 717-4551 to schedule a consultation.

Cosmetic Dentistry: Recovery and After-Care

June 9, 2014

Recovery Process for Cosmetic Dental Procedures

Prior to beginning your cosmetic dentistry procedure, you may have some concerns regarding what the recovery process will be like for you. Deciding to have cosmetic procedures such as dental implants or dental veneers is an important decision to make, so it's imperative to have all the helpful information you need.

There is always some recovery process involved when it comes to making major adjustments to the mouth. Some cosmetic procedures will have little to no recovery time at all; porcelain dental veneers fall into this category. The only real concerns that you may face after having your veneers placed is those teeth may be a bit sensitive and you may have some gum tenderness.

More complex restorative dentistry procedures, like dental implants, require a bit of recovery time and aftercare to ensure your oral health stays optimum. You may have some soreness and swelling in the surrounding gums, as well as some additional tenderness at the implant site. Your dentist may prescribe medication for the pain, but more often than not, over-the-counter pain relievers are advised. Complete healing for dental implants can take up to six months.

No matter what cosmetic dentistry procedure, the most central part of the recovery process will always be good oral hygiene. Without proper brushing, flossing, and rinsing of teeth in the post-op period you'll be putting yourself at risk for procedure failure. Taking care of your oral health is taking care of your whole body. Remember to follow all after-care instructions given to your by your dentist, and call the office if you have any questions or concerns.

Advanced Dental Care of Springfield supports patients in their pursuit of a beautiful smile through cosmetic dentistry.Dr. VanderMolen is knowledgeable in a multitude of cosmetic procedures and is available for consultations. Call (217) 717-4551 and let Advanced Dental Care of Springfield help you develop the new smile you are looking for

Gaining New Confidence with Cosmetic Dentistry

April 14, 2014

Many people feel self-conscious about their smile. If you have a crooked smile, missing or discolored teeth, you may be trying to find ways to cover up that smile in public. Why shy away from those work functions and social outings? Consider cosmetic dentistry, and be on your way to a whole new you, with a beautiful smile you can’t wait to show off!

There are several types of cosmetic dental procedures that can help give you the smile you have always wanted. Some of the most common are teeth whitening, crowns, dental bonding, and veneers

If you have stained or discolored teeth, professional teeth whitening systems can be provided to you by your dentist. Whether it is an in-office procedure where you see same-day results, or a take home set custom molded for your mouth, your teeth can become several shades whiter in no time. Unlike the over-the-counter whitening kits, dental offices can use a stronger concentration of the whitening chemical, and they have staff properly trained to apply it. For you, this means faster and safer results.

If you need to fill gaps between your teeth, or want to change the color of your teeth, you may want to consider dental bonding. Dental bonding can also be used to fill cavities in a way that makes the tooth look healthy and natural, without any of those embarrassing metal fillers. Dental bonds use a tooth-colored material and are one of the quickest and easiest methods of tooth restoration in cosmetic dentistry.

However, dental bonds are more susceptible to chipping and staining than some other cosmetic options. If you have a habit of chewing on hard objects, eating or drinking staining foods, you may want to consider veneers or crowns.

Dental Crowns are often used when teeth are cracked, decayed, or damaged. They fit over the existing tooth and work to strengthen your tooth while improving the way it looks. In most cases, crown installation occurs over a few office visits, although new technology is allowing for crowns that can be installed in just one visit.

Your teeth will be reduced to make room for the cap, and a mold will be created of your smile. If you’ll be receiving your crown over the course of two visits, while your mold is sent to a lab for crown fabrication, you will be fitted with a temporary crown. On a subsequent visit, your dentist will cement your crown into place. Crowns can last for many years with proper care.

If you’ll be receiving your crown in one visit, it will be fabricated and placed all in one visit to the office.

Veneers are similar to crowns, but only cover the front area of the tooth. Veneers are created out of porcelain and can be used to fix a variety of cosmetic issues including discolored, crooked, or uneven teeth. Veneers are very resistant to staining, so they are a great long-term option.

To gain back your confidence with a brand new smile, contact Dr. Matt VanderMolen at Advanced Dental Care of Springfield today! (217) 717-4551.

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